With these days and age, we consumers are being renounced to be prosumers. From the citations of some of the famous names for critics on famous papers:
1. "In the parlance of the tech world, the new generation of digital film equipment is designed for the 'prosumer,' the consumer who thinks of himself as a semi-professional "
—Doug Bedell, "Digital video revolution," The Dallas Morning News, October 12, 2000
2. "'It's not just about retail, but medicine, design, architecture, fashion, interiors, even bio-technology and the internet,' says Shaw. 'All are moving towards a point where the purchaser or prosumer is key to determining the final look, feel and thumbprint characteristics of the product and service being sold.'"
—Martin Raymond, "Made to Measure," The Independent, November 7, 1999
3. "This urge to connect also has a more entrepreneurial side, marketing specialists say. Many young people say they are losing interest with mainstream consumer goods and are eager to sell their handmade goods to others. The ones that do sell their goods have been labeled 'prosumers,' short for 'producing consumers.'"
—Netsuko Segawa, "21st century shoppers," The Nikkei Weekly, December 21, 1999
4. "Sean Pillot de Chenecey, trend forecaster for youth markets, said: 'People are tired, and sick of being ripped-off, but can't get away from brands and branding. As a result they are becoming 'prosumers' — they are demanding their voice be heard.'"
—Cordelia Brabbs, "Web fuels consumer activism," Marketing, September 21, 2000
The term “prosumer” originated with Alvin Toffler, who first used the term in his 1980
book The Third Wave. Toffler defined the prosumer as someone who blurs the
distinction between a “consumer” and a “producer.” The term has since come to mean a
variety of things, but here we define it as someone who makes little distinction between
his or her home and work lives. The prosumer engages in activities belonging to either
sphere, regardless of time or location.
Because of their complex lifestyle, which combines a demanding workload and an
active family life, prosumers are eager adopters of Web 2.0 products and services—a
convergence of process innovation, global marketplaces, and advanced technologies
that fundamentally changes the way consumers buy, retailers sell, and products are
brought to market. Prosumers typically embrace Web 2.0 technologies such as social
networking (Facebook, MySpace), blogging, video on demand (VoD), podcasting,
VoDcasting, virtual realities (Second Life, There.com), mobile communications, and other
Internet-based technologies and services that allow people to stay connected whenever
and wherever they desire. We refer to this as “Connected Life,” and the prosumer is
an enthusiastic and early adopter of the connected lifestyle. Not all prosumers use all
these technologies, of course; they access whichever technology subset best suits their
individual preferences and lifestyles.
The Prosumer Challenge
Serving prosumers is complex; their needs cannot be defined by location, application,
time of day, or device alone. In fact, that is what makes them prosumers. They seek to
be connected and serviced no matter where they are, what they are trying to do, or
when they are trying to do it. So, serving the prosumer—to the satisfaction of the prosumer and his or her
employer—is far from easy. Early prosumer offerings have fallen short of what these
individuals really need. Mobile mail is an example of this. When it is provided by the
employer, it works well for business purposes. But personal mobile mail requires yet
another application from a provider such as Google or Yahoo! The only way to handle
this situation is to maintain one phone for personal mail and another phone for business
mail—an equally awkward solution. Effectively serving this segment requires delivering value that works for both the prosumer and the enterprise.
Serving the Prosumer
A few discerning industries are already aware of prosumers and their lifestyles, and
have developed programs and products to serve them. The hospitality and airline
industries know that when people travel for business or pleasure, they tend to select
providers that offer them benefits. As a result, when someone earns extra miles flying
with Airline X for business, that person will choose Airline X for leisure travel because
the frequent flier miles help pay for the vacation.
The financial services industry has begun cross-selling products such as insurance
and banking services, especially to small- and medium-sized business owners (prime
prosumer targets), recognizing that when someone starts a business, that person is
more inclined to select a financial services institution with which he or she is already
doing personal business.
Higher-education institutions position their services to alumni as they enter the
workforce, because alumni often seek corporate sponsorship for more costly
graduate work.
Most industries, however, have not yet instituted formal business models to pursue
prosumers as a target segment. Capturing the emerging prosumer category requires
a deliberate and systematic approach, with full understanding of what makes these complex individuals tick. The service provider industry (telecommunications, IP services) is absolutely essential
to the prosumer’s connected lifestyle, yet these companies have done little to court
this segment. Providers need to invest in network infrastructure to deliver seamless,
ubiquitous, and secure prosumer experiences across personal and work requirements.
Because these industries have so much to gain from prosumers, it makes a great
deal of sense to start with the design of user interfaces that are blended, yet provide
sufficient separation between work and personal content to avoid conflict with
corporate policy.
It also behooves the service provider industries to figure out a way to provide services
and billing methodologies that keep the prosumer connected, yet allow for separation
of work and personal activities. For instance, there should be a simple, nonintrusive
method for keeping mobile phone charges separate. And there should be a way for
prosumers to integrate their home and work calendars and address books without
providing employer visibility into personal information (and vice versa). Enterprises addressing the prosumer market must make an effort to educate
prosumers about the value of their offerings. Prosumers can be reached in many
ways: through traditional consumer channels (advertising, direct mail, and so forth);
nontraditional channels (e-mail, online, or sites such as Google or Second Life); or
through business-to-business channels (industry site advertising, trade publications).
Before embarking on a communications / promotion program, however, analyze
channels carefully; not all will work. Prosumers rarely see television ads, for instance.
Instead, they record their favorite shows and watch them when they have time— skipping commercials as they go. Vertical industries must capture critical data about prosumers’ interests, activities, and
behaviors to improve their product and service development for this segment. For
instance, airlines have precise data about the habits of their business customers, which
they then apply to attracting their leisure-time travel business. The data is there, flowing
across your network; methods can be developed to identify, isolate, analyze, and apply
this data to develop new services to this well-heeled and receptive group.
Summing Up the Prosumer
The prosumer segment may be small, but its influence is growing rapidly. Witness the
enormous popularity of Apple’s iPhone and iPod, YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook.
It’s time to start thinking about the underserved prosumer market and how to address it
better. There are several known areas of focus for prosumers:
• They need to be connected to work and family—anytime, anywhere.
• They want simple-to-use, seamless solutions.
• They are interested in entertainment, and spend more than the average consumer
in this category.
• They want to access files at home as easily as they do at work.
• They are mobile, and usually own several devices such as a mobile phone, iPod,
and laptop computer.
• They are frequent, intensive users of the Internet and mobile technologies at work
and home.
Prosumers are not hard to find or identify. But capturing this desirable segment
requires a systematic program of research, development, and testing of prosumeroriented offerings—plus education of prosumers about the value of your product or
service. The following are steps you can take today to take advantage of the lucrative
prosumer opportunity
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Identify and discuss Trends and Opportunities in convergence
Convergence, having heard of that word what comes naturally on our minds? Well I guess most of us would have answered words like union, meeting, gather, assemble and all that word that could ever be connected with this word we are about to tackle. So how this convergence has taken in the first place? It is said today that we are living in a very systematic and methodical way of living, thanks to technology with which brought us here.
Technological convergence is the tendency for different technological systems to evolve towards performing similar tasks.
Convergence can refer to previously separate technologies such as voice (and telephony features), data (and productivity applications), and video that now share resources and interact with each other, synergistically creating new efficiencies.
Today, we are surrounded by a multi-level convergent media world where all modes of communication and information are continually reforming to adapt to the enduring demands of technologies, "changing the way we create, consume, learn and interact with each other".[1]
Convergence in this instance is defined as the interlinking of computing and other information technologies, media content, and communication networks that have arisen as the result of the evolution and popularisation of the Internet as well as the activities, products and services that have emerged in the digital media space.
Many experts view this as simply being the tip of the iceberg, as all facets of institutional activity and social life such as business, government, art, journalism, health, and education are increasingly being carried out in these digital media spaces across a growing network of information and communication technology devices.
Also included in this topic is the basis of computer networks, wherein many different operating systems are able to communicate via different protocols. This could be a prelude toartificial intelligence networks on the Internet eventually leading to a powerful superintelligence[2] via a technological singularity.
The rise of digital communication in the late 20th century made it possible for media organizations (or individuals) to deliver text, audio, and video material over the same wired, wireless, or fiber-optic connections. At the same time, it inspired some media organizations to explore multimedia delivery of information. This digital convergence of news media, in particular, was called "Mediamorphosis" by researcher Roger Fidler[1], in his 1997 book by that name.
Now looking behind were all things were but quite and simple. The common way of plowing the rice fields with the use of Buffalo. But as years past more inventions and innovations were being showcased in order that we human being will have our work easier and faster. So with this side of agriculture world, it turns out to be one who have utilized and benefited much with such innovations and convergence, the simple and common task mixed with a new trend of technology. Isn’t it much amazing?
On the other hand technology on devices improved as much as the ones used in the agriculture side. Let us read this article which I have taken from this link http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-technological-convergence.htm
Technological convergence is the trend of technologies to merge into new technologies that bring together a myriad of media. While historically, technology handled one medium or accomplished one or two tasks, through technological convergence, devices are now able to present and interact with a wide array of media.
In the past, for example, each entertainment medium had to be played on a specific device. Video was played on a television by using a video player of some sort, music was played on a tape deck or compact disc player, radio was played on an AM/FM tuner, and video games were played through a console of some sort. Similarly, different communication media used their own technologies. Voice conversation was carried on using a telephone, video communication briefly used high-end video phones, facsimile copies used fax machines, and e-mail used a computer.
Technological convergence in the last few years has resulted in devices that not only interact with the media they are primarily designed to handle, but also with a number of other formats. For example, the XBox video game console has as its primary purpose the playing of console games, but it is also able to play back video and music and to connect to the Internet. Similarly, most modern DVD players are capable not only of playing DVDs, but also of playing music CDs, displaying photos from photo CDs, playing encoded video in formats such as DIVX or VCD, and playing DVD music.
Technological convergence also leads to devices that are designed specifically to replace a number of different devices. The Apple iPod, for example, while originally conceived of as a portable music player, is now touted equally as a portable video player, photo album, and radio tuner. Cell phones, as well, have moved far beyond their beginnings as simple voice communication devices and now offer the functionality of personal music players, digital cameras, and text messenger systems as well.
The Internet is perhaps the most widespread example of technological convergence. Virtually all entertainment technologies – from radio to television to video to books to games – can be viewed and played online, often with greater functionality than they have in their primary technology. Communications technologies, as well, can be used, with the Internet replacing fax machines, telephones, video phones, and the postal service.
While technological convergence gives consumers the convenience of having many devices all in one, saving on both size and cost, there is an initial tradeoff in quality. When technological convergence first gives birth to a new multi-technology, the various technologies it is comprised of are usually at a slightly lower standard than independent devices. Usually within a year or two, however, this disparate quality is reduced to a virtually unnoticeable level.
Written by Brendan McGuigan
Edited by Niki Foster
Mind-reading computers turn heads at high-tech fair
March 4, 2010 by Richard Carter
I found this article interesting. As you can see it allows our brain itself to command and control whatever it is being attached to the computer. In this image the person is playing a pinball with the use of his brain power. Check this out with this link http://www.physorg.com/news186908536.html.
While the world is now facing a fast changing era, here comes the trends and opportunities occurred. I have just read a site and it has its different kind of sessions talking about the trends that have occurred during the state of change occurred.
Technological convergence is the tendency for different technological systems to evolve towards performing similar tasks.
Convergence can refer to previously separate technologies such as voice (and telephony features), data (and productivity applications), and video that now share resources and interact with each other, synergistically creating new efficiencies.
Today, we are surrounded by a multi-level convergent media world where all modes of communication and information are continually reforming to adapt to the enduring demands of technologies, "changing the way we create, consume, learn and interact with each other".[1]
Convergence in this instance is defined as the interlinking of computing and other information technologies, media content, and communication networks that have arisen as the result of the evolution and popularisation of the Internet as well as the activities, products and services that have emerged in the digital media space.
Many experts view this as simply being the tip of the iceberg, as all facets of institutional activity and social life such as business, government, art, journalism, health, and education are increasingly being carried out in these digital media spaces across a growing network of information and communication technology devices.
Also included in this topic is the basis of computer networks, wherein many different operating systems are able to communicate via different protocols. This could be a prelude toartificial intelligence networks on the Internet eventually leading to a powerful superintelligence[2] via a technological singularity.
The rise of digital communication in the late 20th century made it possible for media organizations (or individuals) to deliver text, audio, and video material over the same wired, wireless, or fiber-optic connections. At the same time, it inspired some media organizations to explore multimedia delivery of information. This digital convergence of news media, in particular, was called "Mediamorphosis" by researcher Roger Fidler[1], in his 1997 book by that name.
Now looking behind were all things were but quite and simple. The common way of plowing the rice fields with the use of Buffalo. But as years past more inventions and innovations were being showcased in order that we human being will have our work easier and faster. So with this side of agriculture world, it turns out to be one who have utilized and benefited much with such innovations and convergence, the simple and common task mixed with a new trend of technology. Isn’t it much amazing?
On the other hand technology on devices improved as much as the ones used in the agriculture side. Let us read this article which I have taken from this link http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-technological-convergence.htm
Technological convergence is the trend of technologies to merge into new technologies that bring together a myriad of media. While historically, technology handled one medium or accomplished one or two tasks, through technological convergence, devices are now able to present and interact with a wide array of media.
In the past, for example, each entertainment medium had to be played on a specific device. Video was played on a television by using a video player of some sort, music was played on a tape deck or compact disc player, radio was played on an AM/FM tuner, and video games were played through a console of some sort. Similarly, different communication media used their own technologies. Voice conversation was carried on using a telephone, video communication briefly used high-end video phones, facsimile copies used fax machines, and e-mail used a computer.
Technological convergence in the last few years has resulted in devices that not only interact with the media they are primarily designed to handle, but also with a number of other formats. For example, the XBox video game console has as its primary purpose the playing of console games, but it is also able to play back video and music and to connect to the Internet. Similarly, most modern DVD players are capable not only of playing DVDs, but also of playing music CDs, displaying photos from photo CDs, playing encoded video in formats such as DIVX or VCD, and playing DVD music.
Technological convergence also leads to devices that are designed specifically to replace a number of different devices. The Apple iPod, for example, while originally conceived of as a portable music player, is now touted equally as a portable video player, photo album, and radio tuner. Cell phones, as well, have moved far beyond their beginnings as simple voice communication devices and now offer the functionality of personal music players, digital cameras, and text messenger systems as well.
The Internet is perhaps the most widespread example of technological convergence. Virtually all entertainment technologies – from radio to television to video to books to games – can be viewed and played online, often with greater functionality than they have in their primary technology. Communications technologies, as well, can be used, with the Internet replacing fax machines, telephones, video phones, and the postal service.
While technological convergence gives consumers the convenience of having many devices all in one, saving on both size and cost, there is an initial tradeoff in quality. When technological convergence first gives birth to a new multi-technology, the various technologies it is comprised of are usually at a slightly lower standard than independent devices. Usually within a year or two, however, this disparate quality is reduced to a virtually unnoticeable level.
Written by Brendan McGuigan
Edited by Niki Foster
Mind-reading computers turn heads at high-tech fair
March 4, 2010 by Richard Carter
I found this article interesting. As you can see it allows our brain itself to command and control whatever it is being attached to the computer. In this image the person is playing a pinball with the use of his brain power. Check this out with this link http://www.physorg.com/news186908536.html.
While the world is now facing a fast changing era, here comes the trends and opportunities occurred. I have just read a site and it has its different kind of sessions talking about the trends that have occurred during the state of change occurred.
your reflections/learning's/thoughts on the video clip of Guy Kawasaki: MAKE Meaning
Last week our instructor let us watch a video about this guy who is a world renounced to be one of the great innovator of technology, its new ideas and the like and also contributor in the realm of technopreneurship and the journey it is going through. The name behind this person is Guy Kawasaki but before hand let us first dig a little about him. Guy Kawasaki is “a managing director of Garage Technology Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm and a columnist for Entrepreneur Magazine. Previously, he was an Apple Fellow at Apple Computer, Inc. Guy is the author of nine books including Reality Check, The Art of the Start, Rules for Revolutionaries, How to Drive Your Competition Crazy, Selling the Dream, and The Macintosh Way. He has a BA from Stanford University and an MBA from UCLA as well as an honorary doctorate from Babson College” information quoted from guykawasaki.com. I was really amazed with this guy same as the amazement Steve Jobs had made on me. The video was quite short but it gives a very concise information he was about to deliver and indeed it was really delivered well. Very understandable speech and a kind of speech that after hearing it you would probably want to do something, think of something significant not only for self purposes but rather beneficial to numerous population. I was bit amazed that he taught that kind of lesson in his speech. The one that thing that my mind highlighted from his speech is that we build business not because of the money you would gain from it but rather you see it as a solution that could contribute to the community’s primary need. All in all, the speech entitled “The Art of the Start” was subdivided into three main topics which are:
•Increase the quality of life.
For some reason not all who would want to start business aims an advantage not only for own personal interest but also for the better of the rest, rest as in the community or the prospect consumers it will rest. Some start business for a reason of improving ones status in life, to level up their financial status. Some start business for a reason of acquiring power of course money “ sometimes “ initiates power for whatever reason it may be. Some start a business for fame. But of course we cannot blame this person doing so. It is just that thinking more for ones self is not the meaning for everything; it is sometimes and always does a thing that helps other people aside from helping our selves too. So the analogy was just too simple, it was like hitting two birds with one stone but of course the priority of the mission was to help others. It just came up in my mind right now that if you discover the thing that a consumer would want or you have analyzed what is it they want and if it happens that you had gotten an idea and answer out from it, and would probably implement it then behold blessing will come and knock into your door. When I talk about blessing here it is not just financial thing because probably if you have made a technopreneur idea that could be a hit towards mass it would become a heart throb and included in the needs and wants of the consumer. More so you would become trusted of making anything. Why have I said this? It is because consumers now would actually have tested and approved that all you might showcase in the future would be as useful and beneficial as it could be. Quoted from Entrepreneurship: Planning Beyond Your Business Plan by Dr. Michel W. Fountain “ The biggest mistake that entrepreneurs make in choosing a new business opportunity is not the most obvious. Most aspiring entrepreneurs are focused on making money when they should be focused on making peoples’ lives better. First time entrepreneurs readily identify the lack of adequate investment and working capital, the lack of a skilled, trained workforce and the difficulty in attaining market traction and market share as major pitfalls to avoid when creating and growing successful, thriving entrepreneurial ventures.” So now that we know this we better change the way and style of thinking we have on putting up a business. He added that “Successful entrepreneurs are driven by a passion to create organizations which deliver value-added products and services which meet the unmet needs of customers. These entrepreneurs commonly select their choices for new products and services based upon a variety of criteria including prior personal and professional experience in a particular industry sector and interest in creating a product or service which fills an existing gap in consumer needs. For many aspiring entrepreneurs, but not all, financial gain and security are prime motivating factors for new enterprise creation. While this is a noble and admirable reason for embarking on the entrepreneurial adventure, it is not sufficient in and of itself to ensure the success of the enterprise or the growth of the entrepreneur.” Just like Steve Jobs does, he never thought of money first, he just merely followed his heart, his passion, he likes and the rest are just history. Well ,maybe it was though Steve is lucky enough that during his time all are but pioneers, technology is in the mood of evolving and it has evolved a lot ( I know you understand). And lastly Fountain has said this thing “Avoid the mistake of not understanding that you should first create value for customers when starting and growing your entrepreneurial venture. Passionately seek opportunities which make a difference in peoples’ lives. Create purpose driven-organizations which seek to improve the quality of lives of others. As a result of your actions to create unique value for your customers, you will be rewarded in being able to hire and retain employees who, like yourself, are willing to go the extra mile to help your customers. Ultimately you will be successful. You will be successful in making a difference in peoples’ lives and become financially successful as well. Through your organization, its products and services and your personal example you will build value for your employees, the community in which you live and work and for yourself.” It is what the most essence is all about.
•Right a terrible wrong.
In staring a business we must really consider the fact that as an inhabitant of this world we must have to contribute something we could make to make things bad into a right. Considering this idea makes you become different from everything else. So aside from having a unique business you have also contributed a lot from your community. I have read a book one from Dan Brown he has stated there an organization or was it a company I really forgot the exact detail but it states there that this organization caters the need of companies or other organization whether private or public sector the answers to their needs and problems, I guess they are called the “think bank”. And they are the good examples of solving problems from technical stuffs to anything and everything under the sun. well the book stated that they were group of a really nerdy people.
• Prevent the end of something good.
•Increase the quality of life.
For some reason not all who would want to start business aims an advantage not only for own personal interest but also for the better of the rest, rest as in the community or the prospect consumers it will rest. Some start business for a reason of improving ones status in life, to level up their financial status. Some start business for a reason of acquiring power of course money “ sometimes “ initiates power for whatever reason it may be. Some start a business for fame. But of course we cannot blame this person doing so. It is just that thinking more for ones self is not the meaning for everything; it is sometimes and always does a thing that helps other people aside from helping our selves too. So the analogy was just too simple, it was like hitting two birds with one stone but of course the priority of the mission was to help others. It just came up in my mind right now that if you discover the thing that a consumer would want or you have analyzed what is it they want and if it happens that you had gotten an idea and answer out from it, and would probably implement it then behold blessing will come and knock into your door. When I talk about blessing here it is not just financial thing because probably if you have made a technopreneur idea that could be a hit towards mass it would become a heart throb and included in the needs and wants of the consumer. More so you would become trusted of making anything. Why have I said this? It is because consumers now would actually have tested and approved that all you might showcase in the future would be as useful and beneficial as it could be. Quoted from Entrepreneurship: Planning Beyond Your Business Plan by Dr. Michel W. Fountain “ The biggest mistake that entrepreneurs make in choosing a new business opportunity is not the most obvious. Most aspiring entrepreneurs are focused on making money when they should be focused on making peoples’ lives better. First time entrepreneurs readily identify the lack of adequate investment and working capital, the lack of a skilled, trained workforce and the difficulty in attaining market traction and market share as major pitfalls to avoid when creating and growing successful, thriving entrepreneurial ventures.” So now that we know this we better change the way and style of thinking we have on putting up a business. He added that “Successful entrepreneurs are driven by a passion to create organizations which deliver value-added products and services which meet the unmet needs of customers. These entrepreneurs commonly select their choices for new products and services based upon a variety of criteria including prior personal and professional experience in a particular industry sector and interest in creating a product or service which fills an existing gap in consumer needs. For many aspiring entrepreneurs, but not all, financial gain and security are prime motivating factors for new enterprise creation. While this is a noble and admirable reason for embarking on the entrepreneurial adventure, it is not sufficient in and of itself to ensure the success of the enterprise or the growth of the entrepreneur.” Just like Steve Jobs does, he never thought of money first, he just merely followed his heart, his passion, he likes and the rest are just history. Well ,maybe it was though Steve is lucky enough that during his time all are but pioneers, technology is in the mood of evolving and it has evolved a lot ( I know you understand). And lastly Fountain has said this thing “Avoid the mistake of not understanding that you should first create value for customers when starting and growing your entrepreneurial venture. Passionately seek opportunities which make a difference in peoples’ lives. Create purpose driven-organizations which seek to improve the quality of lives of others. As a result of your actions to create unique value for your customers, you will be rewarded in being able to hire and retain employees who, like yourself, are willing to go the extra mile to help your customers. Ultimately you will be successful. You will be successful in making a difference in peoples’ lives and become financially successful as well. Through your organization, its products and services and your personal example you will build value for your employees, the community in which you live and work and for yourself.” It is what the most essence is all about.
•Right a terrible wrong.
In staring a business we must really consider the fact that as an inhabitant of this world we must have to contribute something we could make to make things bad into a right. Considering this idea makes you become different from everything else. So aside from having a unique business you have also contributed a lot from your community. I have read a book one from Dan Brown he has stated there an organization or was it a company I really forgot the exact detail but it states there that this organization caters the need of companies or other organization whether private or public sector the answers to their needs and problems, I guess they are called the “think bank”. And they are the good examples of solving problems from technical stuffs to anything and everything under the sun. well the book stated that they were group of a really nerdy people.
• Prevent the end of something good.
Try to walk around somewhere and discover technopreneur idea ...your experience(s) ..
Well it was not really that I have tried walking to come up with this idea. It is just that I am fond of this thing since I am young and it fit the idea that i had experienced doing this one also. According to Janet Frame, “For your own good” is persuasive arguments that will eventually make a man agree to his own destruction.
We are also tasked to generate a business proposal individually. I’d like to say that I’m not a business person and that I’m having difficulties on how to plan and start a good business. And come to think of it, it’s just a proposal but it’s seems like having a cherry-bomb inside my head. Well, I’m good at observing others businesses and their behaviors and how they have raised their business from scratched into larger business. And I do appreciate them and myself for appreciating them. I know that having a business is not all about the money, not just the money that matters but its effects to the costumers.
I am only a human and I also have ambitions in life. I am contented of what I have, though. But sometimes I couldn’t help myself for being ambitious too; I have dreamt that someday I’ll be one of those shrewd businessmen in our industry. Despite of having difficulties on how to generate a one good business proposal I am still trying my best to have one, though. I consider myself and I’m still learning. So now let us proceed with the techno related business I would wish to have if I ever given the chance. Since I love teaching, and have a little experience on tutoring kids I would want to have a tutorial business whether it would be internet based tutorial or face to face. The nature of the business would be web based where we can offer tutorial services even though you are far across the country or outside the country and a main outlet in the heart of the city where they could avail the actual tutorial services. every student faces some kind of problem in his student life that he wants to get resolved with the help of parents or teachers. But sometimes, parents are not able to solve the problem and teachers are not available after school time to help students. Tutoring services are provided to the students by their parents to sort out problems in their studies. In traditional tutoring services, students either go to place where tutor takes class or tutor comes to the student’s place to teach him. The tutorial class is face to face class between student and teacher where there can be maximum 7-9 students in a class. At times, tutor offers their services to single student at a time but they charge a little more for the same service. The tutors can be said students problem solving medium for the children who are facing any kind of problem in their studies. They help the students in solving the various problems which they are facing in studying at schools. The tutors are there to help the students regarding their problem and while solving their problem, they re establish the lost interest of students in the studies or in a particular subject. The tutors providing services of tutoring for schools students make groups of students of same class and school. Then he takes class of a group at a time that makes the task of both the tutor and student easy as tutor have not to repeat the same course for various students at different classes. Students have the benefit that they have the group of students familiar to each other and share the same problems most of time as they are of same school. Now, in the present world, these tutorial services are also provided online. So that is the reason why I choose this kind of business.
Home Schooling, Supplemental Education, Distance Education, Online Tutoring, One-on-one teaching, or Virtual Learning; by whatever name you call it, Educational Tutoring through internet has now emerged as a new medium of instruction utilizing the infinite scope of information and communication technology that has transformed today's approach to education and teaching. The only thing you need to avail the same is computer systems with internet connection especially I think most of students though haven’t have computer units internet cafes are accessible anywhere so there is no reason this business cannot be accesses. An educational site will be emerged as student's problem solving site where the students can register themselves and get help to solve their problems related to the studies. Payments are made through PayPal; in short there would be a corresponding amount to the services chosen by the customer. Tutors have to register on these kinds of sites where students can search them and take help from them to solve their problems. The good thing for this is that tutors also can be a teleworker. You don't necessarily have to come to the office to do the tutorial services, in short this would be a very big help for those who wants to have part time jobs. No need to worry for teleworkers across the country for the payment of their services would be sent through PayPal also. The tutors would post the ad for their class on the site; students who want to take online class have to register themselves for the class. You can choose a class by considering the name of the tutor and the subject and topic in which they are facing problems. These online classes are also available face to face (with a particular location or the main office for face to face tutorial) and any student in between can ask tutor regarding doubts in the class. These sites are school students helping site which are there to provide online tutorial classes to the students and help the students to solve their problems for the subjects that are taught in their schools. In additional, we would post freebies like limited video tutorials, free lessons on related subjects ands sample solutions for math problems. With regarding to the quality and standard of the tutors, we would make sure that they are reliable and efficient with regarding to the subjects they may be handling. Some test would be given before they would actually be hired for the said job including psychological test for assessing the proper attitude when dealing with students especially that this site would specialize for kids in short it would be serve customers a student friendly tutors and user friendly site. Students and their parents are therefore adopting the same as the best solution to their education related problems. Studies show that the percentage of parents and students turning to Educational Tutors for help is increasing, and the trend of availing this facility through internet, is amazingly gaining popularity. With regarding to the amount we would ensure for a cheap price but an amazing result of learning for all who would avail our tutorial services. Desired goals of the said business idea; some of its dreamed goals is to provide some jobs on several jobless individuals, to promote the skills, to earn respect within the company, and to keep up with the competitors. This business could open some job opportunities among several jobless persons. There are lots of individuals, who are skillful enough, competitive, and talented enough, but can’t even land a good job because of the job efficiency in the country. This business could help them, by giving them the chance to have a job and earn an income. Can you imagine an island, full of several highly talented individuals but could not practice their professions and talents because of this said job opening efficiency? Their talents would go to rust and would surely degrade unless they will be given a chance to exercise it. Had imagined it? Terrible isn’t it? An awful thing to imagine and could happen if the said problem could not be resolve immediately. A business (also known as a company, enterprise, and firm) is a legally recognized organization designed to provide goods or services, or both, to consumers, businesses and governmental entities. Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies. Most businesses are privately owned. A business is typically formed to earn profit that will increase the wealth of its owners and grow the business itself. The owners and operators of a business have as one of their main objectives the receipt or generation of a financial returns in exchange for work and acceptance of risk. To promote the young talents; expectedly, one of the business’s goals is to promote and showcase skilled individual in order to gain some costumers and basically for the company to earn the income. And most of all to keep up with the competitors; for the business to grow it must be competitive enough to keep up with its competitors in the field of technopreneurship, as what I had said earlier, the business must have some edges to make it more unique. Well I myself have not experienced it yet to done tutorials in the internet only face to face tutorials and I found it so much fun and the income is easy in just 1-2 hours. How much more if I am going to build a site for this it would be much convenient for both parties involved in which the primarily target are the toddlers. And maybe in the near future I would create an info – tech innovation for these young ones so that they will feel entertained while learning making studying more fun.
We are also tasked to generate a business proposal individually. I’d like to say that I’m not a business person and that I’m having difficulties on how to plan and start a good business. And come to think of it, it’s just a proposal but it’s seems like having a cherry-bomb inside my head. Well, I’m good at observing others businesses and their behaviors and how they have raised their business from scratched into larger business. And I do appreciate them and myself for appreciating them. I know that having a business is not all about the money, not just the money that matters but its effects to the costumers.
I am only a human and I also have ambitions in life. I am contented of what I have, though. But sometimes I couldn’t help myself for being ambitious too; I have dreamt that someday I’ll be one of those shrewd businessmen in our industry. Despite of having difficulties on how to generate a one good business proposal I am still trying my best to have one, though. I consider myself and I’m still learning. So now let us proceed with the techno related business I would wish to have if I ever given the chance. Since I love teaching, and have a little experience on tutoring kids I would want to have a tutorial business whether it would be internet based tutorial or face to face. The nature of the business would be web based where we can offer tutorial services even though you are far across the country or outside the country and a main outlet in the heart of the city where they could avail the actual tutorial services. every student faces some kind of problem in his student life that he wants to get resolved with the help of parents or teachers. But sometimes, parents are not able to solve the problem and teachers are not available after school time to help students. Tutoring services are provided to the students by their parents to sort out problems in their studies. In traditional tutoring services, students either go to place where tutor takes class or tutor comes to the student’s place to teach him. The tutorial class is face to face class between student and teacher where there can be maximum 7-9 students in a class. At times, tutor offers their services to single student at a time but they charge a little more for the same service. The tutors can be said students problem solving medium for the children who are facing any kind of problem in their studies. They help the students in solving the various problems which they are facing in studying at schools. The tutors are there to help the students regarding their problem and while solving their problem, they re establish the lost interest of students in the studies or in a particular subject. The tutors providing services of tutoring for schools students make groups of students of same class and school. Then he takes class of a group at a time that makes the task of both the tutor and student easy as tutor have not to repeat the same course for various students at different classes. Students have the benefit that they have the group of students familiar to each other and share the same problems most of time as they are of same school. Now, in the present world, these tutorial services are also provided online. So that is the reason why I choose this kind of business.
Home Schooling, Supplemental Education, Distance Education, Online Tutoring, One-on-one teaching, or Virtual Learning; by whatever name you call it, Educational Tutoring through internet has now emerged as a new medium of instruction utilizing the infinite scope of information and communication technology that has transformed today's approach to education and teaching. The only thing you need to avail the same is computer systems with internet connection especially I think most of students though haven’t have computer units internet cafes are accessible anywhere so there is no reason this business cannot be accesses. An educational site will be emerged as student's problem solving site where the students can register themselves and get help to solve their problems related to the studies. Payments are made through PayPal; in short there would be a corresponding amount to the services chosen by the customer. Tutors have to register on these kinds of sites where students can search them and take help from them to solve their problems. The good thing for this is that tutors also can be a teleworker. You don't necessarily have to come to the office to do the tutorial services, in short this would be a very big help for those who wants to have part time jobs. No need to worry for teleworkers across the country for the payment of their services would be sent through PayPal also. The tutors would post the ad for their class on the site; students who want to take online class have to register themselves for the class. You can choose a class by considering the name of the tutor and the subject and topic in which they are facing problems. These online classes are also available face to face (with a particular location or the main office for face to face tutorial) and any student in between can ask tutor regarding doubts in the class. These sites are school students helping site which are there to provide online tutorial classes to the students and help the students to solve their problems for the subjects that are taught in their schools. In additional, we would post freebies like limited video tutorials, free lessons on related subjects ands sample solutions for math problems. With regarding to the quality and standard of the tutors, we would make sure that they are reliable and efficient with regarding to the subjects they may be handling. Some test would be given before they would actually be hired for the said job including psychological test for assessing the proper attitude when dealing with students especially that this site would specialize for kids in short it would be serve customers a student friendly tutors and user friendly site. Students and their parents are therefore adopting the same as the best solution to their education related problems. Studies show that the percentage of parents and students turning to Educational Tutors for help is increasing, and the trend of availing this facility through internet, is amazingly gaining popularity. With regarding to the amount we would ensure for a cheap price but an amazing result of learning for all who would avail our tutorial services. Desired goals of the said business idea; some of its dreamed goals is to provide some jobs on several jobless individuals, to promote the skills, to earn respect within the company, and to keep up with the competitors. This business could open some job opportunities among several jobless persons. There are lots of individuals, who are skillful enough, competitive, and talented enough, but can’t even land a good job because of the job efficiency in the country. This business could help them, by giving them the chance to have a job and earn an income. Can you imagine an island, full of several highly talented individuals but could not practice their professions and talents because of this said job opening efficiency? Their talents would go to rust and would surely degrade unless they will be given a chance to exercise it. Had imagined it? Terrible isn’t it? An awful thing to imagine and could happen if the said problem could not be resolve immediately. A business (also known as a company, enterprise, and firm) is a legally recognized organization designed to provide goods or services, or both, to consumers, businesses and governmental entities. Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies. Most businesses are privately owned. A business is typically formed to earn profit that will increase the wealth of its owners and grow the business itself. The owners and operators of a business have as one of their main objectives the receipt or generation of a financial returns in exchange for work and acceptance of risk. To promote the young talents; expectedly, one of the business’s goals is to promote and showcase skilled individual in order to gain some costumers and basically for the company to earn the income. And most of all to keep up with the competitors; for the business to grow it must be competitive enough to keep up with its competitors in the field of technopreneurship, as what I had said earlier, the business must have some edges to make it more unique. Well I myself have not experienced it yet to done tutorials in the internet only face to face tutorials and I found it so much fun and the income is easy in just 1-2 hours. How much more if I am going to build a site for this it would be much convenient for both parties involved in which the primarily target are the toddlers. And maybe in the near future I would create an info – tech innovation for these young ones so that they will feel entertained while learning making studying more fun.
Your reflection/learning's on Technopreneurship 1
Our Technopreneurship1 subject has given me a lot of insights on how to start making a trace of difference with my life. Of course this trace must have been very significant because this might/must be the thing that would lead in to my life’s peak. From the beginning of our class we have been tested on how to make critics in an establishment. And there our instructor has just started helping our minds to be more critical thinkers and deep analyzers asking us how and what could we suggest to become a food chain establishment become more technologically inclined business making their services more reliable and efficient. Though we came up with such impossible ideas and also ridiculous ones, we have enjoyed what we have answered according to some sharing we have done after the class. Since our subject entails about entrepreneurship with the use of technologies our instructor also had conducted a film viewing about two of the person who made technology a lot different today and could go farther tomorrow “The Pirates of the Silicon Valley”. We and I myself really enjoyed a lot upon watching the movie. I haven’t imagined that much how these people started making their difference. And it made me convinced myself that I could too can make something I could be proud of and that I must have start doing it today. Now I become more entwined on blogging and I think this is just a step for me to do bigger things. I am also motivated to change little by little the tardiness attitude I have that could become the greatest hindrance to what I want to achieve. I have learned something from Steve’s character that could contribute a lot in ones life, to be a great person someday especially in business world you must have an entrepreneur character. Next, leadership skills are needed. Steve directs the design process from start to finish, asking endless questions, expressing often conflicting opinions, unfailingly pushing the company toward better, more useful products. The sort of decisions that at most companies are considered finishing touches--the color of a computer case, the look of a hinge, the sound a product makes when it is opened or closed--are to Jobs the very heart of the user experience and so are at the core of the design process. Doing projects in a hands-on manner is as effective as a mother raising its baby. In almost every case, successful entrepreneurs are individuals who are highly motivated to achieve. They tend to be doers, people who make things happen. They are often very competitive. Many researchers have concluded that the most consistent trait found in successful entrepreneurs is the sheer will to win, the need to achieve in everything they do. They don't want to come in third, they don't want to come in second, they want to come in first. Shrewd or sharp might be a better word. Paul Hawken describes it as "trade skill" in his excellent book Growing a Business, published by Simon and Schuster. We all know owners of some very successful businesses who were lucky to finish high school and never even considered college like Bill Gates, one wealthiest person living. Yes, they always seem to make the right moves. Call it common sense, instinct, whatever you want. Successful entrepreneurs seem to have intuitive good judgment when making complex business decisions. And on the kind of charisma Steve have, he could impatiently close the deal by his wooing tactics and amazing scheme on sales-talk. A good leader has the ability to control and direct a company as a whole. And in that day after the experiences I have been through while still studying and on the starting period of the business, I can tell that I have learned a lot from it and could get something from it and could figured out how to cope and improve myself more. Then I can now have the charisma on controlling especially the employees to do what the company needs for the better of it and in control always on the situation and events on whatever plans and decisions of the company may come up as a result. In other words, I can be a woman of authority whom they would give much respect the way of respect I will give them. As a leader it comprises the confidence you must have. In dealing and handling people and business self-confidence is in need. New ideas along the way may come up and as a technopreneur we must have the confidence to push our ideas and goals, of course it will boost our confidence if we are always in control of any situation that may happen and during this stage the more persistent we would be in pursuit of our goals. And because a business is a wide arena for competition, I would have the ability to have a never ending in search and sense of urgency to do something. It is sometimes hard to stay on this stage but as a person who never stops believing our energy to do so must be maintained. Part of being mentally fit is the ability to conceptualize things. It helps us to be at ease when chaos came. Also it helps ourselves to be focused on the business because we can already determine our capacity in times of troubles. Because of this you can have the ability of control and that you have in you a superior quality that makes your subordinates just do what you want them to do because of that kind of ability. Maturity of one’s personality is one that I have learned in this subject. I remember once our teacher gave as a personality assessment test. There are no questions, only situations and we are given two choices to choose what we would prefer to if we encountered such scenarios. Worst are the choices leaves us no choice but to choose them though you really didn’t want to do it but you did because it was the right thing to do. So it helps us become more responsible of the things we are going to make and decisions were going to follow. When the outcome is positive then we have prove ourselves and made justification with the choices we made but when the result is negative then we could use this situation as a map that tells us someday not to go in the direction where we once fallen. In short it will become our guide that tells us what to do and not to do in the next journeys of our life. So the wonderings I have about my personality and how would others feel from for such situation I have been was being answered. Or maybe the personality my future co-workers could have my family and my friends and all who are acquainted with ever days of my life. The easiest way to determine this is to take a personality trait test. A personality trait test is a test that is designed to tell you exactly what type of a person you are, and often tells you what the advantages and disadvantages of your personality is. In addition, a personality trait test will also tell you personality types to avoid, which is useful for dating purposes. This could help ourselves from breaking down and helps us grow stronger when we know where to place each of what is concerned. Handling failures are needed. When a person has overcome failures he wins because winners never quit. They fight back, start anew and move forward, they get started new ideas and proposals and make them into reality. As Judith L. Glick-Smith says “setbacks are seen as challenges and do not discourage them”. Life has its ups and downs not only failed people have experienced it but also those who succeed because they never stop trying and believing.
As classes passed by, one of the topics of our subject I think was highlighted the most it was when our teacher ask and try to figure it out on ourselves what we really love, what we are best at and what we hated the most. That time since I haven’t decided anything what I really want doing I’ve got a hard time answering the question. Thankfully when we have to make the project proposal our instructor approved our second try. Finding my life’s purpose on the other hand is not that hard for me to do. Thanks for the PDL I have just read before asked by our instructor to find what our life’s purpose really is. It does really helps me a lot on figuring out what my life’s purpose really is. Proposing a project that would eventually be a start for putting up a business is not that easy as what we think. According to the lessons we had on this subject we have to consider a lot of factors before jumping on a certain idea.
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